Creating forms
Working in a web client (cloud)
In web-based environments, you have these options for creating forms:
- Use the Form Wizard in the Web Designer.
- Use one of the Runtime Builder form wizards made available for use during runtime.
These wizards typically create one type of form each. The forms created by the Runtime Builder might be more limited than the same form types created in the Web Designer.
Working in the Windows client
In an on-premises environment, forms are created using Design Mode. Design Mode provides these tools for creating forms, and often their required tables and IDOs:
- The Form Wizard
- The Data Maintenance Wizard
- The XML to IDO Wizard
You can also use the Runtime Builder form wizards in the Windows client, without having to go into Design Mode.
Forms created in a Windows client (on-premises environment) are typically created for use specifically with the Windows ("smart") client, although not necessarily. They can potentially be more complex and provide more functionality than forms created for web client use only.