Image attribute, Background Image form property
To specify the file name of a graphic image to be used as a background for a form, use the Image attribute of the Background Image property.
These are the supported graphics formats:
Background images are tiled by default. To center a single image in the background, set the Center attribute to .
You can use background images as watermarks on the page level and on any region, within the MainFlexLayout component, of Report type forms.
On Report type forms, the Center attribute behaves differently. If the Center attribute is set to , then the image is stretched to fill the form. If you use an oversized image and the Center attribute is set to , then the image is scaled to fit on the page. If you use an oversized image and the Center attribute is set to , then the image is cut off on the edges of the page.
Support for watermarks on Report type forms is available only for PDF, Printer, and Cloud Printer output formats.
On the Form properties sheet, you can select an image file that has been previously imported into Windows client for use, or you can browse other folders. To locate a file in the main program folder, select the Image field, click the drop-down arrow, and then select a file name. To browse other folders, click the Image field, and then click the ellipsis ( ) button.