IDO Data Viewer

Use this form to view the records data that are in a selected IDO/table.

This form is designed to be used after an operation to insert records from a Data Lake source into a localized (bound) table has completed. You can use this form to verify that the records from the Data Lake source have been successfully inserted into the localized version of the IDO/table.

It is typically accessed by clicking IDO Data Viewer on the Data Lake Data Populator form.

Note: Although this form was created primarily for localized tables created by the Data Lake IDO Wizard, you can use it to view the data associated with any IDO/table in your Mongoose-based application.

This form has these fields and options:

Field/Option Description
IDO Use the drop-down list to select the IDO for which you want to view the associated data. If you know the exact name of the IDO, you can type it in this field.

For localized IDOs/tables created by the Data Lake IDO Wizard, look for IDOs with a "_localized" suffix in the name.

Also, if you do not know the exact name of the IDO, you can use the IDOs form to locate it first, then manually provide it in this field.

Filter To filter the returned results, enter in this field the filter criteria.
Note: To assist in the creation of filter criteria, you can use the IDO Data View Build Filter dialog box. See Creating an IDO Data Viewer filter.
Record cap Use this field to determine the maximum number of IDO records that can be displayed.

By default, the system cap is typically 200, and you normally cannot exceed that cap.

Prop List This read-only field displays a list of the properties for which data is to be displayed. If this field is empty, the data for all properties display.

To determine a restricted list of properties to display, click Select Properties. This opens the IDO Data Viewer Select Properties dialog box. See Selecting properties to display in the IDO Data Viewer.

Load Collection After making all desired settings regarding what IDO collection and what data to display, click this button. The system then updates the display according to those settings.
Build Filter To create a filter that limits what records are returned and display, click this button. This opens the IDO Data View Build Filter dialog box.

See Creating an IDO Data Viewer filter.

Select Properties To limit the display to only those properties you want to view, click this button. This opens the IDO Data Viewer Select Properties dialog box.

See Selecting properties to display in the IDO Data Viewer.

Clear Properties Use this button to clear the Prop List field.
Display grid This read-only grid displays data from the IDO according to any filter or property limitations you have set.