Event Handler Parameters - Edit Background Task Name and Parameters

This version of the Event Handler Parameters form is used with form events that have been assigned a Response > Type of Run Background Task or Print Preview.

Note: In the Windows client, this displays in a separate dialog box titled Edit Background Task Name and Parms.

The fields and options specific to this response type include these:

Field/Option Description
Task Name Specify the name of the background task that you want to associate with the event.

The task name must be defined on the Background Task Definitions form.

Task Parameters Use this field to specify a comma-delimited list of task parameters associated with the background task. These parameters control what data is displayed on a report.
Task Status Use this field to specify one of these options:
  • READY: This option places the task on the Background Task Queue. The task runs as soon as possible after the event is generated.
  • WAITING: This option places the task on the Background Task Queue. The task runs only when the scheduling requirements for that task, as set on the Background Queue form, are met.
Task Number Use this field to specify the variable to which TaskMan assigns the task number.
Profile Parameters Use this field to specify a comma-delimited list of task parameters associated with the background task. These parameters affect how the task is run and delivered, for example, the language, number of copies, emailing, and so on.
Note: In a multi-tenant cloud environment, you can use the EnterprisePrinter profile parameter to specify an IDM Enterprise Printer, to print reports that are submitted as background tasks. This parameter overwrites the default printer settings of the report.

You must add the printer name at the end of the Profile Parameters field. To specify an IDM Enterprise Printer for a report that does not already use the rest of the profile parameters, use commas to represent the other values to get to the tenth parameter. For example, specify ,,,,,,,,,PrinterName in the Profile Parameters field, where PrinterName is the name of the IDM printer, as defined in the Printers form. If no IDM Enterprise printer is defined for a report, the report is printed using the default settings.

See the help topic "Adding a task parameter for enterprise printing."