Event Handler Parameters - Get Location Options Arguments

This version of the Event Handler Parameters form is used with form events that have been assigned a Response > Type of Get Location From Browser.

Note: In the Windows client, this displays in a separate dialog box titled Get Location Optional Arguments.

The fields and options specific to this response type include these:

Field/Option Description
Timeout Value in Seconds Use this field to specify the number of seconds that the system is to wait for the browser to retrieve the location information before displaying a timeout message.

After the number of seconds passes with no response, the StdWebLocationInfoReceived event is triggered and the form variable StdLocationError is set to TIMEOUT. If there is a browser prompt to the user to allow the location and there is no answer to that prompt,  StdLocationError is set to NOREPLY.  

The default value is inifinity, meaning no timeout occurs.

Maximum Age in Seconds Use this field to specify the number of seconds is to wait before refreshing the location information.

If a location is requested and a previous location was requested within the time set in this parameter, no new request is sent  to the browser.  StdWebLocationInfoReceived is triggered  with the existing values.

The default is zero, meaning every request is sent to the browser.