Event Handler Parameters - Edit Binary Value Action

This version of the Event Handler Parameters form is used with form events that have been assigned a Response > Type of Binary Value Action.

Note: In the Windows client, this displays in a separate dialog box titled Edit Binary Value Action.

The fields and options specific to this response type include these:

Field/Option Description
Action Use this drop-down list to select the kind of action that is to be performed on the Binary Large OBject (BLOB) data when this event is generated.

You can choose to Import, Export, View, or Delete the data.

Silent When this option is selected, the system checks to see whether the file designated in the Filename field exists. If so, it performs the designated Action without further prompting. If not, it prompts the user for the filename and location before carrying out any action.

When cleared, this option instructs the system to prompt for a filename and/or location whenever the event is generated.

Component Bound to Binary Value Property Use this drop-down list to select the component that is to be bound to the BLOB data.
Filename Use this field to specify the filename of the BLOB file to be either imported or exported.

This field is disabled if the designated Action is either View or Delete.