Data Lake Data Populator

Use the Data Lake Data Populator form to create bound properties in a localized IDO created from a Data Lake source. This form populates the IDO table with records from the Data Lake source.

This form has these fields and options:

Field or option: Notes/Description:
Select target table Use the drop-down list to select the localized IDO table into which the record data from the Data Lake source are to be inserted.
Last inserted DateTime This read-only field displays the last date and time that any records were inserted into the localized Data Lake table.

The default is 1990-01-01 (00:00). For a new localized table created by the Data Lake IDO Wizard, this is always the date/time stamp, because because the system deals with all records as new ones.

For existing localized IDO tables that have been previously created and populated, this field displays the date/time of the last data retrieval.

Number of new records In Data Lake This read-only field displays the number of records in the Data Lake source that are new since the last record was inserted.

For a new IDO table created by the Data Lake IDO Wizard, this indicates the total number of records currently in the Data Lake source, because the system deals with all records as new ones.

For existing tables that were previously created and populated, this field indicates the number of records added to the Data Lake source since the last data retrieval.

Use timestamp to clear table Specify the date/time-stamp to use when clearing records from the localized IDO table. All records that have been added after this date/time-stamp are then deleted from the localized table when you click Clear table.

When entering this date/time-stamp manually, use this format:


Unbound table This read-only field displays the name of the table that is the Data Lake source for the data.
Localized table This read-only field displays the name of the localized IDO table that is being populated.
[Unlabeled field] This read-only field displays information about what LocalizeDatalake event (if any) is running for the selected target table.
New records In Data Lake When clicked, the system checks the source of data in the Data Lake for any records that have a timestamp later than the date/time in the Last Inserted DateTime field. It then displays the number of new records in the New Records In Data Lake field.
AES insert When clicked, the system inserts copies of the records identified by the previous button's action into the new (localized) Mongoose IDO table.

Depending on the number of records being copied, this operation can take considerable time. To check on the progress of the operation, click Status. This launches the Data Lake Table Status form. See [link to form topic].

Status When clicked, this launches the Data Lake Table Status form, from which you can check the current status of an operation to insert Data Lake records into the new (localized) Mongoose IDO table.
IDO Data Viewer When clicked, this launches the IDO Data Viewer form, which you can use to verify the success of the data insertion operation. You can use that form to view the records in a localized Data Lake IDO/table.
Clear table When clicked, any records inserted after the date/time specified in the Use timestamp to clear table field are deleted.