Event Handler Parameters

Use the several versions of the Event Handler Parameters form to set success and error messages and other specifications for a form event handler.

This form consists of two sections: The top section is common to all form event response types. The bottom section varies according to the Response > Type that is chosen on the Event Handlers tab of the Details panel.

The top section, common to all form event response types includes these fields and options (all of which are optional):

Field/Option Description
Error Message Enter the message to be displayed when the event handler returns an error. You can include translatable string names and any of the substitution keywords.
Success Message Enter the message to be displayed when the event handler succeeds. You can include string names and any of the substitution keywords.
Only When Current Collection Is Specify whether you want the handler to act on the primary collection, a secondary collection, or all collections associated with the form.
Only When Platform Is Select the name of the platform (WIN=Windows, WEB, or ALL) to which this event handler applies.

Normally, event handlers execute regardless of the currently active platform.

KEEP Select the attribute that is to be applied to the KEEP parameter of the event handler:
  • FIRST: The event handler always executes first. If there are multiple event handlers with this attribute, they execute in the same order that they appear in the list.
  • LAST: The event handler always executes last. If there are multiple event handlers with this attribute, they execute in the same order that they appear in the list.
  • AFTER: The event handler executes immediately after the next NON-KEEP event handler that precedes it.
  • BEFORE: The event handler executes immediately the next NON-KEEP event handler that follows it.
  • NONE: The event handler executes in whatever order it is listed, apart from any rules governing other handlers.
Ignore Failure To classify any result returned by this event handler as a success, select this option. Use this setting if you want subsequent event handlers to continue to execute even if this event handler returned a failure.

Otherwise, clear this check box. Use this setting if you want the failure of this event handler to stop the execution of subsequent event handlers.

Message as Toast? (Web client only) To display the success and error messages in a "toast" pop-up format, select this option.

When this option is selected, the user is not forced to click a button to make the message disappear: The message disappears automatically after 5 seconds. If the user wants to make it disppear before that, the user can click inside the message box.

Message on Status Line? (Windows client only) To display the error and success messages in the application’s Status bar, select this option.

To have these messages display in a pop-up dialog box, clear this option.

Disabled To temporarily disable the event handler, select this option. The application does not run a disabled event handler, even if its other execution criteria are satisfied.

To re-enable the event handler, clear this option.

For the fields and options associated with the various response types, see these topics:

For the Response Type: See this topic:
Add entry to the Audit Log Goto Explorer Folder response type
Binary Value Action Event Handler Parameters - Edit Binary Value Action
Collection Copy

Collection Delete

Collection Init with Auto Insert Row

Collection Current

Collection Navigate

Collection New

Collection Notes

Collection Notes for Current

Collection Refresh

Collection Refresh Current

Collection Save

Collection Validate

Event Handler Parameters - Edit Collection Action…
Conditional Action

Edit Condition

Edit Set of Conditional Actions

Execute EXE or other program Event Handler Parameters - Edit the Command to Execute
Note: This event handler response type does not work in the web client.
Form Script Method Event Handler Parameters - Edit Script Name and Parameters
Generate Application Event Event Handler Parameters - Edit Generate Application Event Parameters
Generate Event Event Handler Parameters - Edit Event to Generate
Get Location From Browser Event Handler Parameters - Get Location Options Arguments
Goto Explorer Folder Event Handler Parameters - Edit Goto Explorer Folder
Goto Form Page Event Handler Parameters - Select Form Page
Goto Form Event Handler Parameters - Specify Form Run Options
Goto URL Event Handler Parameters - Edit the URL
Inline Script Event Handler Parameters - Set Inline Script Language
Invoke User Control Event Handler Parameters - Edit Parameters for Invoke User Control Event Handler
Note: This event handler response type does not work in the web client and is now deprecated.
Load Collection Event Handler Parameters - Edit Load Collection Parameters
Method Call Event Handler Parameters - Edit Method Call
Print Preview Print Preview response type
Prompt ../../../../vsg1497303430649.html
Run Background Task Event Handler Parameters - Edit Background Task Name and Parameters
Run Form

Run Form as Linked Child

Run Form as Modal Child

Run Form to Retrieve Files

Event Handler Parameters - Specify Form Run Options
Run Script Event Handler Parameters - Edit Script Name and Parameters
Send Web Container Message Event Handler Parameters - Edit Message To Web Container
Set Values Event Handler Parameters - Edit Set Values
Timer Edit Timer Actions dialog box