Subcollection page

This page of the Data Lake IDO Wizard provides options to define and configure a subcollection for the imported Data Lake object (IDO).

Use this page to define and configure a subcollection for the newly created IDO.

These are the options available on this page:

Field or option Notes/Description
Property Name Specify a name for the property in the subcollection to be bound to the parent join property.
Subcollection IDO From the drop-down list, select the IDO to be the subcollection.
Parent Join Property From the drop-down list, select the property in the Data Lake (parent) IDO to which the subcollection property is to be joined.
Subcollection Join Property From the drop-down list, select the property in the subcollection IDO which is to be joined to the parent property.
>> When the above four fields are set, click this button to place the proposed join in the field to the right.
Note: You can create more than one join pair.
<< To remove a proposed join pair from the list, select it and click this button.
Add To add the proposed join pairs to the subcollection definition, click this button.
Remove To remove a proposed join pair from the subcollection definition, select it in the grid and then click this button.

When you are finished with the subcollection definitiong, to return to the IDO Definition page, click Back.