About the native script editor

The built-in script editor (Edit Form/Global Script form) provides scripting functionality in the Windows client, along with support for compiling scripts and viewing compilation errors. This editor can be used to create either form scripts or global scripts, depending on how it is accessed. For more information, see Edit Form/Global Script dialog box.

Note: This topic applies only to the Windows client version of the script editor. For the web client version, see Script Editor.

This script editor offers these features:

  • Syntax highlighting
  • A syntax parser that is useful with both C# and VB code
  • Intellisense-like prompts to aid in writing the code
  • Options to find references to form or global objects and insert them directly into the script

    See Finding form/global object references and inserting them into scripts.

  • Debugging tools to aid in troubleshooting script errors

    See About the native Script Editor debugging tools.

  • Tools to find and optionally replace specific strings in the existing code

    See Finding and replacing code strings in scripts.

  • Miscellaneous options to control the compiling of script and the appearance of the code text in the editing frame

    See About native script editor options.

  • Options to view and work with multiple sections of script using split editing windows.

    See Using split windows for script editing.

  • Multiple script tabs  

    The Script editing window can display multiple scripts, each accessed by means of a different tab at the top of the editing window:

    • The leftmost tab displays the script that is currently in-progress.
    • Any other tabs display only if the form is being developed as an extension of another form. In this case, the tab displays the base form scripts. These base form scripts are read-only.