Adding a Drag From/Drop On event

  1. Open the form for which you want to create a "drag from" or "drop on" event.
  2. Go into the designer (Web Designer in the web client, Design Mode in the Windows client).
  3. Select the component for which you want to create the event.
  4. Do one of these actions:
    • In the web client, select the Events section of the Component properties sheet.
    • In the Windows client, select the Events property sheet.
  5. Click the ellipsis (•••) button for either Drag From Events or Drop On Events.
  6. In the Event to Add field, specify the event to be generated, either by selecting an existing event from the drop-down list; or by typing in the name of a new event to be created.
  7. Click Add.
    The names of all events specified for this operation display in the list field.
  8. Click OK.