Adding or editing a context (shortcut) menu

  1. Open a form and go into the designer (Web Designer in the web client, Design Mode in the Windows client).
  2. Add a component or select an existing component on the form.
  3. On the Component properties sheet, select Behavior > Right-Click Menu.
  4. Perform one of these actions:
    • To select an existing context menu, select the menu from the drop-down list.
    • To define a new context menu, enter the name for the context menu in the empty Right-Click Menu field.
  5. To define or edit the context menu, click the ellipsis (•••) button to the right of the Right-Click Menu field.
  6. Use the Shortcut Menu Properties dialog box to add or remove menu items to/from the context menu:
    For each item on the context menu, you must specify these elements:
    Menu Item Caption
    Use a standard translatable string format for each item.
    Event to Generate
    Specify the form event that is to be generated and handled when that menu item is selected by the user.
    Note:  If the user right-clicks on the column header area of a grid column component, then the menu for the grid, not the grid column, is displayed.