Specifying "Find" and "Add/Details" forms for a component

To specify a "Find" form and/or an "Add/Details" form for a component:

  1. With a form open and go into the designer (Web Designer in the web client, Design Mode in the Windows client).
  2. Select the component you want to modify for Find and Add/Details options for.
  3. Add a shortcut menu that presents the appropriate commands for the component.
  4. Optionally, specify a "Find" form:  
    1. For the Find Form property in the Component properties sheet, specify the name of the query form for the item referenced in the current component.
    2. For the Property property, specify the name of the property to be bound to the component, as it is known to the query form.
    3. To specify more complex criteria for opening the form, click the ellipsis (•••) button.
  5. Optionally, specify an "Add/Details" form:
    1. For the Add/Details Form property, specify the name of the form to be used to maintain the item referenced by the current component.
    2. To specify more complex criteria for opening the form, click the ellipsis (•••) button.