About binary large object (BLOB) data in components
BLOB data (binary large object data) in SQL Server databases supports images, audio, multimedia, and other application file types. You can display BLOB data in static and button components that are bound to IDO properties containing BLOB data. (The component inherits the binary data type of the IDO property, which is associated with an image column in the application database.)
The file type of the BLOB data determines how users work with the component.
- The Mongoose framework supports the display of graphic files of the types .bmp, .emf, .exif, .gif, .ico, .jpg, .png, .tif, .svg, and .wmf. If you specify one of these types, the framework automatically displays the image associated with the BLOB data.
- For other file types, the framework displays the BLOB data associated with the component when the user selects the command on the menu.
- With all file types, users can use the following commands on the menu: , , and . Mongoose-based applications display standard Windows dialog boxes for saving and opening files that are filtered to display only files of the type associated with the BLOB data.