Adding MenuItem components to the Actions menu

You can add commands to a form's Actions menu by creating MenuItem components.

Note: In previous versions, these items were on the Objects menu. The Objects menu no longer exists.

To add a menu item to the Actions menu, use this procedure:

  1. Open a form and go into the designer (Web Designer in the web client, Design Mode in the Windows client).
  2. In the Toolbox, select the MenuItem component.
  3. Click on the form.
  4. In the Form properties sheet, set at least these properties:
    • Caption: The caption specifies text to be displayed on the Actions menu for the command.
    • Binding: To enable the menu item only when a particular collection is selected, specify the collection bound to the component.
    • Primary Event: Select the primary event to generate when the menu command is selected.
  5. Regenerate the form.