About Chart and Gauge components
Forms can display data using either of two different kinds of graphical devices, charts and gauges.
Types of charts include column or bar charts, line charts, pie charts, doughnut charts, scatter charts, and spark charts, to name a few. These charts can display data from a single source (or series) or from multiple series. They can also include combination displays, showing both lines and columns, for example.
Gauges are single or multiple value indicators that are used in dashboards, real-time monitors, and reports. They are used to display Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), progress indicators, and quantity indicators.
To display data using these devices, the designer offers two form components: a Chart component and a Gauge component. To use either of these components, you add the component to the form and then bind the data to it, using a special dialog box. The appearance and content displayed by chart and gauge components are controlled by the settings made in their respective dialog boxes.
You can also modify charts and gauges using form scripting.