Types of components

Mongoose-based applications support a wide variety of components for the presentation and manipulation of data in forms. These components are available for selection in the designer Toolbox (in both clients) and in the Component properties sheet, the Design > Type property.
Note: To deselect all component types in the Toolbox, select the Pointer option.

This table names and describes each of the currently supported component types. If the Type property drop-down list names the component type differently, that name displays in parentheses ( ).

Component Type Description
Barcode A component that creates a barcode.

See About Barcode components.



A component that points to a URL or displays HTML code.

See About Browser components.


(CancelPushButton, DefPushButton, PushButton)

A component that creates a rectangular shape that the user can click to do something. Typically, it is used to initiate an action such as running a procedure or launching another form.

See About Button components.

Calendar A component that creates a calendar, similar to the Outlook calendar.

See About Calendar components.



A component that is used to display a chart that visualizes the data.  

See About Chart and Gauge components.

CheckBox A component that has two states: selected (checked) and cleared (unchecked). This component is used for making choices where there are only two options, such as Yes and No.

See About CheckBox components.

ComboBox A component that is a combination of edit box and drop-down list box components. The combo box allows the user to either type text directly into the component or to select from a drop-down list of values. Like the drop-down list box, the combo box displays the list only when the drop-down arrow button is clicked. Otherwise, it displays the currently selected item in the edit-box portion of the component.

See About List, DropList, and ComboBox components.

DataView A component that displays queried data in a layout similar to an Excel spreadsheet.

See About DataView components.

DateCombo A special kind of combo box for entering dates. When the drop-down arrow button is clicked, an interactive calendar displays, allowing the user to select a date. The user can also enter the date in the field, using the format mm/dd/yyyy.

See About DateCombo components.

Diagram A component that allows event handler diagrams to display.

See About Diagram components.

DropList A component that allows data to be displayed and selected from a drop-down list of values. Unlike the list box, the drop-down list displays the list only when the drop-down arrow button is clicked. Otherwise, it displays the currently selected item.

See About List, DropList, and ComboBox components.

Edit A component used for the display and input of text by means of standard keyboards.

See About Edit and MultilineEdit components.

FlexLayout A container type of component that allows flexible positioning of other components within it.

See About FlexLayout components.

FormPage A container component used as an individual page of a multi-page form. This component is often used to implement wizard-style user interfaces.

See About FormPage components.



A component that is used to define a FusionCharts gauge.  

See About Chart and Gauge components.

Grid A container component that allows data to display and to be maintained in a tabular format.

See About Grid and GridColumn components.

GridColumn A component that creates a column in a grid component.
Note: This component is not available from the Toolbox; it can only be created using the Edit Contained Components dialog box. It can be edited in the Edit Contained Components dialog box or, after selecting it in the Type property field, in the Component properties sheet.

See About GridColumn components.

GroupBox A labeled box that can be used to frame a group of related components. This is a container component.

See About GroupBox components.

HyperLinkButton A specialized button component that allows you to create a "button" that looks and behaves like standard hyperlinked text.

See About HyperLinkButton components.

Infocon A container component used to display tile forms in a variety of configurations.

See About Infocon components.



A component that allows data to be displayed and selected from a list of values.

See About List, DropList, and ComboBox components.



A specialized component that places an entry on the Actions menu.

See About MenuItem components.

MultiLineEdit A component that is used for the display and input of large blocks of text. The component wraps the text at word boundaries. Vertical scrolling is supported.

See About Edit and MultilineEdit components.

Notebook A container component that allows other components to be grouped together on tabs. Only the components on the currently selected tab are visible to the user. Notebooks are useful for grouping components and managing screen space. Notebook tabs can be grouped using the Tab As Dropdown property, when enabled, the tab headers are grouped into a single tab and is shown as a dropdown selection list of tabs.

See About Notebook and NotebookTab components.

NotebookTab A container component that creates an individual tab of a notebook component. This component can contain any number of other components and component types. Notebook tabs can be grouped using the Notebook property Tab As Dropdown, when enabled, Notebook tabs are grouped into a single tab and is shown as a dropdown selection list of tabs.
Note: This component is not available from the Toolbox; it can only be created using the Edit Contained Components dialog box. It can be edited in the Edit Contained Components dialog box or, after selecting it in the Design > Type property field, in the Component properties sheet.

See About Notebook and NotebookTab components.

RadioButton Radio (option) buttons are implemented in groups with each button representing a member of a set of mutually exclusive options. The user can select only one option in the group.

See About Option (RadioButton) Button components.

Static A component used for the display of read-only text, such as component labels. This component can also be used to display graphics images.

See About Static components.


A container component that is used to display or load forms inside a parent form. A form can have any number of such containers.

See About SubForm components.

ToolbarButton A specialized component that creates a button intended to appear on the toolbar.

See About ToolbarButton components.



A component that allows data to be displayed and selected in a tree structure built on parent-child relationships between properties in collections.

See About Tree components.

UserControl A component that acts as a container for a .NET user-created control.

See About User Control components.

VerticalGrid A container component that formats a collection's data in a two-column grid that displays property names in the left column and the property values in the right column.

See About VerticalGrid and VerticalGridElement components.

VerticalGridElement A specialized component that creates a single element for a vertical grid component. Each element represents a name-value pair for a single property of a collection record.
Note: This component is not available from the Toolbox; it can only be created using the Edit Contained Components dialog box. It can be edited in the Edit Contained Components dialog box or, after selecting it, in the Design > Type property field, in the Component properties sheet.

See About VerticalGrid and VerticalGridElement components.

User Components A collection of predefined options that are used to design and build forms.

See User Components.

Component Templates A set of combination components and child-components that has been saved as a template for local use.