Collection processing response types

A form event handler that uses one of the collection processing response types performs actions on a specific collection. When you define one of these response types, you must specify the collection.

Response type Description
Collection Copy This response type creates a new item in the specified collection and initializes it to the value currently in the components that are bound to it.

This action is equivalent to the user initiating a Copy action when the specified collection is the current one.

Collection Delete This response type marks the current item of the specified collection for deletion.

This action is equivalent to the user initiating a Delete action when the specified collection is current.

Collection Init with Auto Insert Row This response type initializes a collection and inserts a new item in the autoinsert row.
Collection Make Current This response type makes the specified collection the current collection.
Collection Navigate This response type navigates the specified collection. You must specify which navigation action to take (Next, Previous, Last, or First).

This action is equivalent to the user initiating a Next, Previous, Last or First action when the specified collection is current.

Collection New This response type initializes a new item in the specified collection and makes it the current item.

This action is equivalent to the user initiating a New action when the specified collection is current.

Collection Notes This response type initiates a Class Notes (Notes for All) action for the specified collection.

This action is equivalent to the user intiiating a Class Notes (Notes for All) action when the specified collection is current.

Collection Notes for Current This response type initiates a Notes (Notes for Current) action for the current item in the specified collection.

This action is equivalent to the user initiating a Notes (Notes for Current) action when the specified collection is current.

Collection Refresh This response type refreshes the specified collection.

This action is equivalent to the user initiating a Refresh action when the specified collection is current.

Collection Refresh Current This response type refreshes the current item of the specified collection.

This action is equivalent to the user initiating a Refresh Current action when the specified collection is current.

Collection Save This response type saves the specified collection.

This action is equivalent to the user initiating a Save action when the specified collection is current.

Collection Validate This response type validates the specified collection.

If a validation error occurs, the collection and component focus is brought to the component with the validation error.