Working with form event handlers

In a Mongoose-based application, form event handlers are objects specific to a form that supplement, alter, or cancel the default event-handling behavior of the application. You can create and name form event handlers that execute when an event matching the name of the event handler is generated. The event can be generated by the application as the user interacts with a form, or it can be generated programmatically.

You can use either designer to create, copy, edit, or delete event handlers for a form.

In the Web Designer (cloud, web client)

  1. With the form open in the Web Designer, expand the Form Details panel.
  2. Select the Event Handlers tab.
    • The left panel displays the complete list of event handlers attached to the form. You can use the search field to quickly find the handler you want. Or you can expand the entire list to see the particular for all event handlers.

      The buttons at the bottom allow for additional actions.

    • The right panel is the event handler editor, where you can configure and edit new or existing event handlers.
  3. Perform one of these sets of actions:
    • To edit an existing event handler, click the handler you want to edit and verify that it is displayed in the panel on the right. User the event handler editor panel to modify whatever attributes you want.
      Note: When you click the plus icon for the event handler, you must then select one of the action sequence numbers in the expanded area to actually select and display it in the event handler editor on the right. Each action associated with an event handler is configured individually.
    • To add an event handler, click the New (plus sign) button. Provide a name for the handler when prompted, and then configure the handler action in the right panel.
      Note: You must repeat this for each new handler action you want the handler to take.
    • To copy an existing event handler, select a sequenced action for the event handler you want to copy. Then click the Copy button. This creates an exact duplicate of the action, which you must then modify to your purposes.
    • To delete an event handler from a form, select the handler and a sequenced action. Then click the Delete button and confirm the delete action when prompted.
      Note: To completely delete the event handler, you must individually delete each sequenced action in the handler.

In Design Mode (Windows client)

  1. With the form open in Design Mode, from the Edit menu, select Event Handlers.

    The Event Handlers dialog box lists any event handlers created for the current form.

  2. Perform one of these sets of actions:
    • To add an event handler, click New. Specify the event for which you are creating an event handler, the sequence of the event handler, and the response type of the event handler.
    • To copy an event handler, select the one you want and click Copy. Then specify a unique Name for the new event handler and make any other specifications you need.
    • To edit an event handler, select the one you want and click Edit. Then use the Event Handler Properties dialog box to adjust whatever specifications you need to.
    • To delete an event handler, select the one you want and click Delete. When prompted, confirm the deletion.