Setting background colors

The primary settings for both forms and form components come from the system default settings and whatever theme is applied. Background "colors" can be either:

  • A single color, with or without transparency
  • A pair of colors used for a linear gradient, each color with its own RGB and transparency settings

The application provides a couple options to override the default background colors for forms and form components. To set a background color definition for a form or component, you can use either of these techniques:

  • Use the Edit Color form within the themes editor to specify and/or apply a background color definition object.

    The advantage of this approach is that you can reuse color definition objects in multiple forms and/or components. This can contribute greatly to creating a consistent look-and-feel across the forms and components of your applications.

  • Use the properties sheet for the form or component to create a color definition for a specific form or component.

Setting the background color with the Edit Color form

To set the background color for a form or component, using the Edit Color form, use the procedure found in the topic "Applying a Background Color definition object to a form or component."

Setting the background color with the Form/Component properties sheet

To set the background color using the Form/Component properties sheet, use one of these procedures:

Resetting the background color to the defaults

To reset the background settings to the original default values (that is, the system/theme background color), click the ellipsis (•••) button to the right of the Color attribute in the Form/Component properties sheet.