Copying a form

You can create a new form or a new form template by copying an existing one.

When you copy a form or form template, the application makes an exact copy, which you must then rename and modify as required to create your new form.

Note: In addition to making exact copies of forms and their templates, the application also provides an option to create a copy of a form that inherits from the original form and still allows you to extend and customize it according to your needs.
  1. In the designer, from the Form menu, select Definition > Copy.
  2. In the Source Form field, select the form that you want to make a copy of.
  3. In the Target Form field, specify the name for the new form.
  4. Optionally, to copy the source form's template as well as its definition, select Copy Template Also.
    Note:  The next two steps are applicable only if you have multiple device type versions of a form.
  5. Optionally, specify whether you want to copy all device type versions of the form, as well as the master form:
    • To create copies of all device type versions, select Copy All Device Types.
    • To create only a specific device type version, clear the Copy All Device Types option.
    • If you cleared the Copy All Device Types option:
    • In the Source Device field, specify which device type version is to be used for the copy of the form.
    • In the Target Master field, specify which device type version is to be used as the master version of the form.
    • Click OK.