Creating the form variable for a portal-type form

The form variable used for the contents of a portal-type shell form must be a persistent form variable named PortalSetup. This variable controls the contents (subforms that display) and layout of the user control.

  1. In the designer, from the Edit menu select Variable.
  2. In the Variables dialog box, click New.
  3. In the Variable Properties dialog box, provide this information:
    Specify PortalSetup.
    (Properties sheet) Verify that it is set to True.
    (Properties sheet) Verify that it is set to False.
  4. In the Value field, enter the JSON code for the portal layout and subforms.

    For more information about the JSON parameters, see About the JSON code for a portal-type form.

  5. Click OK, then click Done.
  6. Save your work and test it in both a web client and a smart client.