About pop-up forms
You can design your form as a floating pop-up window. In a pop-up form, form Open, Explorer, and Multiple Document Interface (MDI) options are disabled. All windows and tabs behind a pop-up window are disabled. All toolbar and menu options are available in tabbed and MDI format.
Any form launched from a modal form is also launched as a modal form, regardless of the event used to launch the form. Forms opened as modal forms are not added to the MRU list.
To set up a form as a pop-up form, select Popup Windows in the Specify Form Run Options dialog box.
To design a pop-up form, design a form as you normally do, with the dimensions that you want the modal form to be, in both MDI and tabbed form layout.
To display a toolbar in Form Only mode, set a form-level variable DisplayMobileToolbar. This variable can have the values none, top, bottom, or both. If the variable is set to any value other than none, the toolbar is displayed at the top of the form.
Standard form buttons are shown only if standard operations on the form are enabled (specifically Save, Filter, New, and Delete).