Creating a MultiView form (Design Mode)
Note: This topic is for the creation
of MultiView forms in Windows client Design Mode.
For the procedure to create these forms in the Web Designer, see the alternate help
topic Creating a MultiView form (Web Designer).
- In Design Mode, launch the Form Wizard.
- On the first page of the wizard, select the Create new form option, and then click Next.
On the next page, complete these required fields:
- In the Name field, perform one of these
- Select from the drop-down list the name of an existing form to use as the basis for the new form.
- Type a
unique name for the new form.
Form names must be unique.
- From the Form Type drop-down list, select MultiView.
- In the Form Layout field,
specify where you want the Grid View to display.
In a MultiView form, the grid most commonly displays on the left side.
- From the Data Source drop-down list, select an IDO to return the primary collection.
- In the Name field, perform one of these
Optionally, specify a default
Device Type , a Query
Form, and any comments.
Comments are stored with the form definition and do not appear anywhere on the actual form.
- Click Next.
- In the next page of the wizard (Select Properties), specify the properties of the IDO that are to be used with components in the new form.
- Click Next.
In the next page of the wizard (Properties), you can specify:
- The order in which the properties are listed
- The captions for properties/components
- Any containment
- Whether the property is to be included in the Grid View
- What component class, if any, is to be applied to each property/component
- If one of the properties is a subcollection property, Windows client prompts you to identify the subcollection information.
Windows client displays the Select Properties page of the wizard again.
- Specify the properties of the subcollection IDO that are to be used and displayed in the subcollection grid.
Next .
Windows client displays the Properties page of the wizard again.
- Specify the order, the captions, and any other desired subcollection information for each property.
- Click Next .
- Optionally, to create a template from the new form, select the Save Template option.
- Click Finish.
Windows client then creates the form and displays a rough-draft version in Design Mode.