Using the Theme Editor dialog box

To edit or create themes in the Windows client, use the Theme Editor dialog box.

  • Before you modify a theme, ensure that the theme is locked or checked out on your user account.
  • For the procedure to edit or create themes in the web client, see Using the Global Objects - Theme editor.
  1. Open the Theme Editor.
    You can open the Theme Editor in either of two ways:
    • In Runtime Mode: From the View menu, select User Preferences. Select the Runtime Layout tab, and then select a theme to edit. Click Edit, and use the Theme Editor to make your changes.
      Note: This option is disabled for those with Vendor Developer editing permissions.
    • In Design Mode: From the Edit menu, select Theme. This launches the Theme Editor, which you can then use to edit or create your theme.
  2. Select the theme that you want to edit.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. In the left pane of the Styles tab, select UIElement, Form, FormComponent, or an individual component type that you want to edit.
  5. In the right pane, specify the component properties:
    • Specify the font
    • Delete a specified font
    • Specify or delete the font size
    • Specify the font style
    • Change font and background colors
    • Change the required field indicator color
    • Reset attributes to their original default values
    • Show or hide toolbar buttons
    • Add a form or component type theme class
    • Delete a theme class  

    When previews are available, the preview pane in the center displays the result of your edits.

  6. Optionally, use the Options tab to make application-level theme settings:
    • Explorer style
    • Required field indicator
    • Group box style
    • Notebook style
    • Button animation
    • Default pinned explorer folder

    Use the drop-down lists to specify the desired attributes.

  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Done.