About editing scope

In a Mongoose-based application, the term "editing scope" refers to the interaction between a developer's editing permission and the ability to save forms and global objects at a given level of the user-group-site hierarchy.

  • To create an application, developers require Vendor Developer editing permissions in order to create Vendor Default versions of forms and global objects in the Forms database.
  • To customize a deployed application, developers require Basic, Full User, or Site Developer editing permissions in order to create user, group, or site versions of forms and global objects.

You can set your editing scope whether or not you are in the designer. After you edit at one level, you can change your editing scope to save customizations at another level.

Note: Before you edit a form that you opened during the current session, be sure to close the form and refresh the IDO metadata cache. This procedure ensures that when you reopen the form under a different editing scope, the form is the version defined for the new editing scope in the forms database. Removing the form from memory is required because the application by default opens the locally cached version that was last closed, regardless of the current Site Developer impersonation.