Creating a form by extension

Note: This procedure applies to forms being created in the web client Web Designer. For the procedure to create a form by extension in the Windows client, see Creating a form by extension (Windows client).

To create a new form by extending an existing form using the Web Designer:

  1. In the web client, launch the Web Designer.
    The Web Designer opens in a separate tab.
  2. In the Web Designer menu bar, click the New Form Definition icon.
    This icon looks like a document with a plus sign in the center. When you hover over it, the text “New Form Definition” displays.

    The Form Wizard opens to the Selection page.

  3. Select the Extend Form option.
  4. Click OK.
  5. In the next page, specify these details:
    New Form Name
    The name (not caption) to assign to the extended form.
    Base Form
    Select the existing base form on which the extended form is to be based.
    Optionally, provide a working description of the extended form.
    Replace Base Form
    Optionally, to instruct the application to open the extended form in place of the original base form when it is called.

    If you select this option, the application opens the extended form instead of the base form, whenever a form call is requested. If you do not select this option, the application treats the base and extended forms as two totally separate forms, each with its own Name.

  6. Click Next.
  7. Click Finish.
    Note:  Unlike other form creation options, this type of form does not allow you to save a template.

The Web Designer then creates a copy of the base form, gives it the new name, and opens it in the designer.