Basic options page

The basic options (starting) page of the Data Lake IDO Wizard provides options to select and set options for IDO records to import.

Use this page to select the Data Lake API records you want to import. You can set options to limit the number of records to choose from and to specify how you want to use them.

These are the options available on this page:

Field or option Notes/Description
Data Lake Object (Required) Use the drop-down list to select the object you want to import.

You can limit the list items displayed by using the filter options. By default, this list displays all objects.

Filter Data Lake Object By Type (Optional) Select one or more object types by which to limit the objects displayed in the list.

These options are available:

  • DSV: Filters for records saved in a delimitor-separated values format. The delimiter character is user-defined.
  • JSON: Filters for records saved in JSON format.
  • View: Filters for records structured as a Data Lake "view", similar to a database view, using columns from multiple objects and tables.
Get Schema (Required) When clicked, this button retrieves the schema metadata for the Data Lake object.

When the schema retrieval is finished, the system presents a "success" message.

Note: If you encounter errors when attempting to retrieve the schema, you can use Compass to troubleshoot. If that is not an option, contact your Customer Support Represntative for assistance.
Object Properties

(Optional) Use this option to view and select the properties associated with the Data Lake object.

This button launches the Properties From Data Lake page. See Properties From Data Lake page.

Use SSO (Optional) When selected, this option instructs the system to call ION API using SSO (Single Sign-On) for a user who is signed in to the system. When cleared, the system must be configured to access ION API by means of a "service user" login. This option is not typically used.
Create Localized SQL Table/IDO (Optional) To create a localized, bound IDO table and properties from the imported object, select this option. This allows you to have a local version of the imported IDO and its data in your Mongoose-based application.

By default, the wizard imports and uses only unbound versions of the IDO tables and properties. When this option is selected, the wizard creates an IDO and table from the Data Lake source, but does not import or create any data.

If you choose to create a localized (bound) IDO/table with this option, use the Data Lake Data Populator form to import the data into your newly created IDO/table.

Store Date Time Field As String (Optional) To instruct the wizard to save date/time values as strings, rather than date/time types, select this option.
"Archived" and "Deleted" options (Optional) To specify how archived and deleted versions of objects in the Data Lake are to be treated, select one of these options:
Note: If you choose to import archived or deleted versions of records from Compass, you should be familiar with them. If you choose to import archived versions, the wizard retrieves ONLY archived records. To retrieve both archived and live records, first create a view in Compass and then import that.
  • No Archive: No archived versions of records are returned.
  • Show Archived: Includes the latest archived versions of selected records.
  • Show All Archived: Includes all archived versions of all records.
  • Include Archived And Deleted: Includes both the latest archived and deleted versions of records.
  • All Variations Include Archived: Includes all variations of all records, including all archived versions.

When you are finished making your selection and setting the options, click Next.