About the Form Wizard
Use the Form Wizard to create forms. You can create forms that are either completely new or based on an existing form.
To access this wizard, you must first either be in the Web Designer (web client) or in Design Mode (Windows client). In the Web Designer, click the New Form Definition icon. In Design Mode, click the New Form Wizard icon.
You can specify whether you want to create a completely new form or a form based on an existing form that extends the existing form.
Form types
When creating a completely new form, you can create forms of these basic types:
- MultiView forms
- Query forms
- Grid Only forms
- Detail Only forms
- Report forms
- Form Only forms
- Tile forms
- Build from Scratch forms
- Flex forms
When you create a form based on an existing form, the new form is of the same type as the form on which it is based.