Importing Web User Control Assets

Web User Control Assets are files and other resources used to create a Web User Control. Web User Controls are specialized user controls that you can create to perform a wide variety of user interface functions, both in the web client and in the Windows client.

To import Web User Control assets:

  1. In Mongoose, go into the designer (Web Designer in the web client, Design Mode in the Windows client).
  2. From the Edit menu, select Web User Control Assets.
  3. In the Edit Web User Control Assets dialog box, select the Page Elements tab.
  4. Click Import.
  5. In the Import Files and Folders dialog box, click Source Folder and use the Browse For Folder dialog box to navigate to the folder where your HTML file and assets are located.
    Note: If your HTML file and associated resources are all located in a single folder (possibly with subfolders), you can import them all at once. Alternatively, you can use these steps to import each file or resource individually.
  6. To return to the Import Files and Folders dialog box, click OK.
  7. In the Target Path field, specify the folder where you want to import the HTML file and assets. You can do this in either of these ways:
    • To import to an existing folder, select the folder/subfolder you want from the drop-down list.
    • To create a new base-level folder, type the folder/subfolder path directly in the Target Path field. Name the folder or use this format: folder/subfolder/subfolder...
  8. Click Add files.
  9. In the Select files and folders to import dialog box, use the check boxes to select the files/folders you want to import.
    The Action-Path grid displays the selected files and the folder/file destinations.
    Note: If your HTML file and associated resources are all located in a single folder (possibly with subfolders), when you import that folder, the Edit Web User Control dialog box duplicates the folder/subfolder structure that the files had in the original location.
  10. Click OK.
  11. In the Edit Web User Control Assets dialog box, verify that the files/folders you selected have been imported to the correct location.
  12. Click OK.