Enabling pagination on a subcollection

You can enable pagination, or control of the number of records to be displayed, for the records of a subcollection.

  1. Open the form that you want to configure or modify in the designer (Web Designer in the web client, Design Mode in the Windows client.
  2. Add these page control components:
    • Page number field, for example: Page 1 out of 28
    • Current page field
    • Previous button
    • Go to page button
    • Next button
  3. Select the grid component where the subcollection is the data source.
  4. In the Data Source group of the Component properties sheet, select the Binding property, and then click the ellipses (•••) button.
  5. In the Type field of the Edit Component Data Binding group, select Subcollection Grid.
  6. Click Edit.
  7. In the Advanced Options field of the Edit Collection Specification for Subcollection section, perform these steps:
    1. Specify the Record Cap Override value.
    2. Select the Enable Paging? option.
    3. Click Set LinkBy.
    4. In the Parent Property and Child Property fields of the Edit LinkBy Specification section, select CollectionName.
    5. Click Add.
    6. Click OK.
  8. Click OK twice.
  9. Add the events for each button:
    Button Event
    Previous GotoPrevPageSub
    Go to page GotoPageSub
    Next GotoNextPageSub
  10. Click Save.
  11. Refresh the IDO metadata cache.
  12. Test the form.