Populating a localized Data Lake table

When the Data Lake IDO Wizard is used to retrieve data from the Data Lake and create an IDO, you have the option to create a localized (bound) table and IDO from the data. To accomplish this, use the Data Lake Data Populator form.
  1. Use the Data Lake IDO Wizard to create the IDO, making note of the name of the localized IDO/table.
    When creating the IDO, make sure you select the Create Localized SQL Table/IDO option.
  2. Refresh the IDO metadata cache.
  3. Open the Data Lake Data Populator form.
  4. From the Select target table drop-down list, select the IDO table that you created in Step 1.
  5. Click New records In Data Lake.
    The system checks the number of records in the Data Lake source. When finished, the New Records In Data Lake field displays the number of new records added in the Data Lake since the last time records were retrieved for the localized IDO/table. If this is the first time that records are being retrieved from the Data Lake source, the field displays the total number of records in the Data Lake source.
  6. To insert these records into the selected IDO table, click AES insert.
    Depending on the number of records being retrieved from the Data Lake source, this operation can take considerable time to complete. Optionally, to check on the status of this operation, click Status. This launches the Data Lake Table Status form, which you can use to monitor the progress of the record insertion operation. For the use of this form, see Checking for Data Lake table status.
  7. Optionally, when the record insertion is finished, to verify the IDO data that has been inserted into the table, click IDO Data Viewer.
    This launches the IDO Data Viewer form. For the use of this form, see Using the IDO Data Viewer.
The IDO Data Viewer form displays the data that was retrieved from the Data Lake source and inserted into the localized IDO/table.