Setting farm-wide max record caps from a CLI

You can use ConfigManager.exe (the Configuration Manager utility) from a Command Line Interface (CLI) to set a number of different farm-wide maximum record caps.
  • This operation, performed from a CLI, is intended primarily for system administrators of multi-tenant farms, working with customers in a cloud environment. Customers working in an on-premises installation environment can use the Configuration Manager utility to accomplish the same ends. See the Configuration Manager help.
  • These farm-wide record cap settings override all other record cap overrides.

Setting farm-wide maximum record caps

Use this command line syntax:

ConfigManager.exe -U:CS -mode:mode -key:farmKey -value:nnnn


  • mode is one of these actions:
    • new
    • edit
    • delete
  • farmKey is one of these farm-wide record caps:
    • FarmAPIMaxRecordCap: Use this setting to determine the record cap for IDO and service sessions; for example, REST API calls.
    • FarmUIMaxRecordCap: Use this setting to determine the record cap for UI sessions; for example, form and global script LoadCollection calls, including the .NET Client class.
    • FarmReportMaxRecordCap: Use this setting to determine the record cap for report processing and generation; for example, report-type form outputs or DataView report outputs.
    • FarmDataViewMaxRecordCap: Use this setting to determine the maximum number of rows to display during DataView load in the web client.
    Note: The value for farmKey is case sensitive.
  • nnnn is the maximum number of records to allow.


ConfigManager.exe -U:CS -mode:edit -key:FarmUIMaxRecordCap -value:10000