New features and enhancements

New report output format

You can now use the Comma Separated Values (Excel) report output format. The new report output format is the same as the current Comma Separated Values format, except that the new output format, by default, opens in a Unicode format in Excel.

Enhancements to handling of background tasks

We enhanced the way background tasks are handled:
  • Background tasks that have a status of READY or RUNNING can now be canceled. Cancellation of these tasks is possible from the Active Background Tasks form, the Background Task History, and the Active Background Tasks Purge Utility.
  • The cancellation of a background task is detected within the TaskOnPerformFailed event and also through extension class code.
  • The Active Background Tasks form now displays scheduling information only for tasks that are scheduled and have a status of WAITING or PROCESS.
  • You can also cancel RUNNING tasks for specific configurations or specific tenants using Command Line Interface (CLI) commands.