New features and enhancements

APIs to export/import init data

We now provide APIs to export and import the init data for tables in XML format using the App Metadata Transport utility. These actions can only be performed using the Command Line Interface (CLI). This export/import of data includes only init data and not transactional data.

Replication policy change: Disabling replication no longer disables replication to Data Lake

We changed the way replication is disabled for multi-site Data Lake. The trigger generation code has been modified so that any skip replication triggers are ignored for Data Lake replication. In addition, any generated transactional replication procedures now automatically upload data to Data Lake for transactional replicated data for a target site. This is accomplished with a new default setting in the Configuration Manager, which setting can be reverted to the previous behavior.

Previously, if Site A was replicating to Data Lake, and Site B was also replicating to Data Lake, of the data that was replicated transactionally from Site A to Site B, only the Site A data was sent to Data Lake. With this change, replication also sends the Site B data to Data Lake.

Add support for Visual Studio 2022 as a script editor

The Windows client now supports Visual Studio 2022 as a script editor. On the User Preferences tab, under the Design Time tab, you can now select Visual Studio 2022 as a script editor.

Additionally, Visual Studio 2017 is no longer supported as a script editor.

Form and global script cancellation

We added a system capability to identify and manage long-running form scripts, inline scripts, and global scripts in the web client. To accomplish this, we created logging values that identify long-running scripts and cancel script execution after a configurable duration.

Add support for tags in Extension bundles

You can now add tags to an extension bundle in the Extension Bundles form. Multiple tags can be added, separated by a comma. You can use the tags to find specific extension bundles.