Objects used in or by reports

Table 1. Executables
Executable Description
TaskMan.exe Runs as a service on the application (utility) server. It monitors the queue of tasks. It references MGReportProcessor to generate the task parameter (XML) file, which is passed to RunReport as its command line input parameter.
RunReport.exe Used to launch reports. Can also be run from a command line.
Table 2. DLLs
DLL Description
TMMsgs.dll Used by TaskMan
MGCore.dll Used by report previews
MGReportProcessor.dll A .NET class library which contains the core reporting logic, which both TaskMan.exe and RunReport.exe reference.
Table 3. Tables/IDOs/Forms
Table IDO Form Description
ActiveBGTasks MGCore.ActiveBGTasks Active Background Tasks Queue of tasks.
n/a n/a Background Queue Schedules tasks to run later.
BGTaskHistory MGCore.BGTaskHistories Background Task History Created by a trigger on ActiveBGTasks, updated by TaskMan. Contains a record of when a task was submitted, started and completed, plus any error messages.
BGTaskDefinitions MGCore.BGTaskDefinitions Background Task Definitions Creates a record that identifies each background task to TaskMan.
ReportOptions MGCore.ReportOptions Report Options Sets the output format for reports, and the UNC printer path and name if the report is sent directly to a printer.
Table 4. Stored procedures/COM methods
SP/COM method Description
BGTaskSubmit Used with Mongoose to submit reports to TaskMan. It returns the row pointer of BGTaskHistory (@TaskHistoryRowPointer) for a task being created.
SL.SLJobQueues.BackGroundQueueSP Used with the Background Queue form.
MGCore.ActiveBGTasks.BackGroundQueueDeleteSP Used with the Background Queue form.
CLM_GetBGTasksToProcessSp TaskMan calls this at its polling time, querying the ActiveBGTasks table to retrieve background tasks to be processed.
GetTaskOptionsSp Used to determine the report output directory, based on the Report Output Directory process default on the Process Defaults form or the Output Directory field on the Report Options form.
GetTaskOptions2Sp Used to retrieve settings from the Report Options form.
UpdateActiveBGTaskSp While processing a requested task, TaskMan is to update the task status using the stored procedure.