Editing Script in Visual Studio dialog box

This dialog box displays information about a script being edited and provides options for proceeding.

The contents of this dialog box are slightly different for modeless versus modal editing. To specify modeless editing, select the Visual Studio Modeless check box in the User Preferences editor, Design Time tab.

This dialog box displays this information about the selected script:

  • The Script Info group box displays this information:
    • The type of script it is, whether a global script or a form script
    • The name of the script
    • The version of the script
    • The coding language in which the script is written
  • The Status group box displays this information:
    • Whether the script has been modified
    • Whether the script has been compiled
  • The Actions group box provides these options:
    Option / Button Description / Comments
    Compile for Debug (Modeless editing) When this option is selected, the current script is immediately compiled in a separate Debug App domain. You can then switch back to Visual Studio, set any desired break points and attach WinStudio. To stop debugging, make additional code changes, and debug again, just stop the Visual Studio debugger, make the changes, save the changes in Visual Studio, and reattach to WinStudio. The changed script is automatically recompiled in the Debug App domain when you save the file.

    (Modal editing) When this option is selected, the Debug button is enabled. You can then click Debug to compile the modified script. (In contrast to the Modeless use of this option, the compilation does not immediately happen, but only when Debug is clicked.)

    Debug (Modal editing only) This button is enabled only when the Compile for Debug option is selected. When this button is clicked, it immediately compiles the script in a separate Debug App domain. You can then switch back to Visual Studio, set any desired break points and attach WinStudio. To stop debugging, make additional code changes, and debug again, just stop the Visual Studio debugger, make the changes, save the changes in Visual Studio, and reattach to WinStudio. The changed script is automatically recompiled in the Debug App domain when you save the file.
    Compile When clicked, this option immediately compiles the modified script.
    VS IDE When clicked, opens the Visual Studio Integrated Development Environment that enables you to edit the script.
    Close (Modeless editing only) Closes the dialog box and returns you to the application.
    Compile on OK (Modal editing only) When this option selected, the script is compiled whenever the OK button is clicked.
    OK (Modal editing only) If the Compile on OK option is selected, when you click this button, the script is compiled and opens in the Visual Studio editing window.
    Cancel (Modal editing only) When clicked, this dialog box closes without any further action being taken.
    Help Opens the help topic for this dialog box.