GetPropertyDefault method (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSIDOCollection interface


Returns a string containing the table column default value (in the SQL Server table) for the specified property.


object.GetPropertyDefault( string )

  Part   Description
object Required. The name of a valid IDO collection object.
string Required. The name of the object property.


The return value is a string containing the table column default value (if any) of the object property.


Sub Main()
    Dim strWarehouseDefault As String
    Dim iIndex As Integer
    strWarehouseDefault  = ThisForm.PrimaryIDOCollection.GetPropertyDefault("Warehouse")
    If strWarehouseDefault = "QA" Then
        iIndex = ThisForm.PrimaryIDOCollection.GetCurrentObjectIndex()
        ThisForm.PrimaryIDOCollection.SetObjectProperty( "Warehouse", iIndex, "INV")
    End If
End Sub