FontFromFontDescriptor method (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSApplication interface


Takes a font descriptor string as input and returns the value as a Font data type.

A "font descriptor" is a string consisting of a list of fourteen comma-separated values.


Application.FontFromFontDescriptor( string )

  Part   Description
string Required. Consists of fourteen comma-separated values:


For more information about these values, see "Settings" below.


  Setting   Description
Size A decimal value representing the point size.
Weight Range from 0 (non-bold) to 700 (bold).
Italic 0 = Normal text.

1 = Italicized text.

Underline 0 = Text not underlined.

1 = Text underlined.

Strikethrough 0 = Normal text.

1 = Text struck through.

FontFamily Name of the font (family) to be used.


The return value is a Font data type matching the font descriptor string.

This method must be used in conjunction with another method that requires a Font data type as input. It allows you to construct the Font data type from a font descriptor string.

When using this method, you must include the following comment above the Imports section in any global or form script:



   Dim FontDesc As String
   Dim newFont As Font
   FontDesc = Application.GetBaseFontDescriptor()
   newFont = Application.FontFromFontDescriptor( FontDesc )
   If not IDONull.IsNull(newFont) Then 
        newFont = new Font( newFont, FontStyle.Bold )
        FontDesc = Application.FontDescriptorFromFont( newFont ) 
   End If   
   ThisForm.Components("FormCollectionGrid").SetGridRowColFont( 3, 2, FontDesc, True )