DataView input parameter operators

This table presents a list of the valid operators for DataView input parameters:

Operator Description
Begins with This operator automatically places a wildcard at the end of the value entered by a user and then uses a Like operator for comparison.

For example, if a user were to enter Bob using a Property Name > Begins with parameter, the system would filter using Name LIKE 'Bob%'. This would return all customers where the name includes "Bob" at the beginning, such as "Bob's Burgers" or "Bobsled Adventures". It would NOT return "Wild Bobcats".

Can Grow This operator allows a region to grow vertically when there is not enough space to show a value entered by the user within the normally allotted space.
Contains This operator automatically places wildcards at the beginning and end of the value entered by a user and then uses a Like operator for comparison.

For example, if a user were to enter cycle for a Property Name > Contains parameter, the system would filter using Name LIKE '%cycle%'. This would return all customers where the name includes "cycle", including "Coordinated Bicycles", "Bicycles R Us", "Cycle Works", and so on.

Date Range This operator is intended for use only with predefined date ranges. To provide the list of predefined dates, use the WBDateRange component class.
Note: To set up a date range to compare two user-entered dates, you must use two input parameters in tandem, using a Greater Than Or Equal To operator and a Less Than Or Equal To operator.
Display Report Header This operator instructs the system to show the report header region that reflects the selected options back to the user. If this operator is not used, the region header does not display.
Display Page Header and Footer This operator instructs the system to show the page header and footer regions on the report.
Ends with This operator automatically places a wildcard at the beginning of the value entered by a user and then uses a Like operator for comparison.

For example, if a user were to enter show using a Property Name > Begins with parameter, the system would filter using Name LIKE '%show'. This would return all customers where the name includes "show" at the end, such as "My Slideshow" or "Come to the show". It would NOT return "Come, show me the way".

Equals This operator compares the value of the Property Name with the value input by the user. If the two are the same, the record is included in the results.
Event Parameter This operator passes the input parameter to the Application Event System (AES) to be used with the DataViewOnLoad and DataViewPostLoad events.

When this operator is selected, you must provide the name of the parameter in the Name column.

Filter Parameter This operator makes a value input by the user available to be used in the DataView's "filter". This operator is typically used in cases where the filter is too complex to use more simple operators, such as Greater Than.
Greater Than This operator compares the value of the Property Name with the value input by the user. If the value input by the user is greater than the value of the Property Name, the record is included in the results.
Greater Than Or Equal To This operator compares the value of the Property Name with the value input by the user. If the value input by the user is greater than or equal to the value of the Property Name, the record is included in the results.
Insert Page Break between Groups This operator forces a page break whenever a new group's values are displayed.
Layout Use this operator to specify which DataView layout when formatting the report.

When used, this parameter operator overrides the BGTaskDefinition and default Layout selection hierarchy.

Less Than This operator compares the value of the Property Name with the value input by the user. If the value input by the user is less than the value of the Property Name, the record is included in the results.
Less Than Or Equal To This operator compares the value of the Property Name with the value input by the user. If the value input by the user is less than or equal to the value of the Property Name, the record is included in the results.
Like This operator filters for property values that have the characters provided in the Description field in the value. It filters using a LIKE operator, but without any implicit wildcards. In this case, the user must supply the wildcard if one is desired.

For example, if a user were to enter show using a Property Name > Begins with parameter, the system would filter using Name LIKE 'show'. This would return only values where the name is "show" by itself. To return values such as "My Slideshow" or "Come to the show", the property value would have to include the wildcard within it.

List This operator expects a space-padded list of input values.

For example, if the user entered BJS RMW in a Salesperson input field, the DataView would filter to show data both for "BJS" and for "RMW."

Not Equal This operator compares the value of the Property Name with the value input by the user. If the two are NOT the same, the record is included in the results.
Repeat Headers on Collection Change This operator instructs the system to show detail headers only when the context changes from one collection to another.

Use this operator when showing hierarchical data, to cause the “parent” detail headers to repeat after showing the “child” data.

Report Headers on New Page This operator instructs the system to show the group and/or detail headers at the top of every affected page.
Reset Page Number between Groups This operator causes the page number to be reset whenever a new group's values are displayed.
Show External Notes This operator instructs the system to display external notes as a sub-report in the output.
Show Internal Notes This operator instructs the system to display internal notes as a sub-report in the output.