The App Builder toolbar

The toolbar provides access to a variety of common functions, including view selection, editing functions, and other project settings, options, and activities.

View selection icons

The icons on the left side of the toolbar provide options to select the view.

Icon Tooltip Description
AB Back to Dashboard icon Return to Dashboard When clicked, returns you to the Projects dashboard.
AB Components icon Components When clicked, displays the list of components you can use to create your apps. You can display both the Basic components and any Composite components you might have created.
AB-Component Properties icon Component Properties When clicked, displays the various property settings you can make for a selected component on the canvas.
Note: This option is selected automatically whenever you select a component on the canvas.

Project and miscellaneous other options icons/settings

The icons on the right side of the toolbar provide project-level options and miscellaneous other high-level options.

Icon Tooltip Description
App Builder Preview icon Preview When clicked, displays the project in Preview mode, keeping it in the canvas area. This allows you to test the functionality without leaving the workspace.
AB Launch icon Launch When clicked, launches the project in a new window. This allows you to test your app in the same kind of environment that the end user will experience it.
AB-Save icon Save When clicked, saves the project.

This icon also hosts a validity indicator. When App Builder detects that there are no errors in the app, it displays a checkmark in a green circle. If App Builder detects that there is an error condition, the green circle changes to a red circle with a minus sign. If this happens, you cannot save the project until the error condition is corrected.

App Builder More options icon More... When clicked, displays a menu of project-level and miscellaneous other options available from the workspace.

See Additional App Builder project options.

Editing option icons

The icons in the center of the toolbar provide access to common editing operations and are only active/enabled when appropriate.

Icon Tooltip Description
App Builder Undo icon Undo (Ctrl+Z) Undoes the previous action.

App Builder supports multiple levels of Undo.

App Builder Redo icon Redo (Ctrl+Y) Redoes a previous action that was undone.

App Builder supports multiple levels of Redo.

App Builder Cut icon Cut (Ctrl+X) Cuts (removes) a component selected on the canvas and saves a copy to the system clipboard.
App Builder Copy icon Copy (Ctrl+C) Saves a copy of a component selected on the canvas to the system clipboard.
App Builder Paste icon Paste (Ctrl+V) Pastes the contents of the system clipboard at a selected location on the canvas.

When this option is selected, a "ghost" image of the component (or other contents of the clipboard) displays at the location where the copy is to be pasted. When you have the copy where you want it, you must click to complete the paste action.

Note: If the paste action does not result in the component being pasted at exactly the location you want, you can use the component properties to move it.
App Builder Delete icon Delete (Del) Deletes a selected component from the canvas.