Creating and using translations

Before you can see the effects of any translated strings in your App Builder project, you must both: specify the availability of the language for the project; and provide the translations for any components or global strings you want to be translated in the UI.

To create a translated string for an App Builder component or component element, use this procedure:

  1. With the App Builder project open, click the "More" menu icon (•••).
  2. From the drop-down menu, select Translations.
    App Builder launches the Translations dialog box.
  3. In the Component column, select a Component and Property for which you want to provide a translated string and click the plus (+) symbol.
    App Builder expands the entry for that component and property, to reveal spaces for the field values of both U.S. English and your other language. If an English string exists, that also displays.
  4. Use the field provided for your language to supply the translated string.
    If no English string yet exists, you can also supply that in the space provided.