Editing a data service

There might be times when, for one reason or another, you need to modify a data service. You can edit data services either in your project or in the App Builder Repository. If the data service exists in both places, your modifications affect only the environment in which you make them (that is, if you make them in your project, the Repository version remains unchanged, and vice versa).

Note: This means, among other things, that you can use a data service from the Repository as the basis for a completely new one in your project.

To edit a data service, use this procedure:

  1. Perform one of these actions:
    • If you are in a project, go to the Properties panel and click Manage Data Services.
    • If you are in the Repository, make sure the Data Services tab is selected.
  2. From the list of data services available, select the one you want to edit.
  3. On the toolbar, click Edit.
  4. Use the four pages of the Edit Data Service dialog box to make whatever changes you need to make to the data service.
    The Edit Data Service dialog box is very similar to the dialog box used to create a data service in the first place. When you open it, it is populated with the current settings. The options available for editing depend on the nature of the data service itself.
  5. When you are finished with your changes, select the Summary page, check your settings, and click Finish.