New features and enhancements

Inbound BOD implementation streamlined

For inbound BODs that require large numbers of user security role checks as part of their implementation, we now provide an alternative that streamlines the process. For details and the procedure to implement the streamlined process, see “Simplifying user security role checks for inbound BODs” in the online help.

Security requirement to avoid writing temp files to disk

On the web client and REST web services, the user-uploaded files no longer reside on the server’s disk during the upload process. The file is streamed into a user-session-specific memory buffer instead of momentarily storing the file in the server during a user-initiated file upload.

Enhancements and expansions to Form Builder wizards

In this release, we have greatly enhanced and expanded the Form Builder wizard options. We now provide additional options for the Form Builder wizards, such as the ability to create links to tables and their properties. We also added predefined templates to assist in creating forms. Additionally, you can specify component types and locations when creating forms.

Support for HTML use in reporting

We added the Interpret HTML Tags component property to support HTML use in reporting. This enables the embedding of HTML content in a report definition and rendering it as a part of the report. It includes text formatting, the styling of headers, lists, justification, etc.