New features and enhancements

New background task parameter for optional filename prefix

We added a filename prefix option that can be used as a profile parameter when submitting background tasks for reports. The prefix will replace the task executable name in the filename of the generated report. This more meaningful filename will help when searching for the file in storage and when emailing the file from storage. To use this prefix, application developers must add the new parameter to the end of the profile parameters list.

Improved server logging

These Mongoose services now includes the configuration name and session ID in their log messages:

  • Event
  • Inbound Bus
  • Replicator
  • TaskMan

New method to invoke IDO methods remotely from one site to other sites

We created a method that can be used to remotely call IDO methods from IDO extension class methods. These remote IDO method calls can be either transactional or non-transactional.

New accumulator expression functions

We introduced a new way of calculating and showing sub-totals and totals on form reports that does not rely on examining the data set to calculate each total. The same functionality can be used for running totals in detail regions.

New process default to display the browser component ID

We added the Component Name as HTML Attribute to the list of process defaults to increase the Mongoose configuration’s value for the mgShowName setting during automation testing without affecting other configurations nor tenants.