Setting up Permanent Filter expressions

  1. Perform one of these steps:
    • In the Windows client, open the form that you want to modify, then go into Design Mode.
    • In the web client, launch the Web Designer, then open the form that you want to modify.
  2. Click the ellipsis (...) right beside Permanent Filter Expression property.
  3. In the Edit Permanent Filter dialog box, specify this information:
    Property Name
    Select the name of the property to use in the filter.
    Select the operator to use in comparing the value to the property.
    Value Type
    Select the source of the value for comparison.
    Specify the value to use for comparison.
    OR Instead of AND With Previous Clause
    To determine if an "OR" or "AND" expression is used to combine the new filter with an existing filter, select this option.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Click OK.