About the Web Designer toolbar

The Web Designer toolbar provides tools that help you:

  • Align form components with respect to other components and to the design grid
  • Resize components uniformly
  • Adjust space between components uniformly
  • Arrange components vertically or horizontally
  • Undo and redo changes
  • Launch the wizards that facilitate the creation of SQL tables, IDOs, and forms

Most options on the toolbar require you to select more than one component. To select multiple components, hold down CTRL, and then click each component.

Alignment options align selected components with whichever component has solid black squares for handles. After selecting all components to be aligned, click the one you want the others to align with. The handles of this component should be solid black, and all others should be black-outlined handles. The procedure for selecting components to be resized or spaced uniformly is similar.

Icon tooltip Description
New Form Definition Launches the Form Wizard Selection, which allows you to create forms, either new or as extensions of existing forms.
Copy Form Definition Opens the Copy Form Definition dialog box, which allows you to copy an existing form definition into a new form.
Delete Form Definition Launches the Select Form dialog box, which allows you to select a form definition for deletion.
Align Left Aligns all selected components so their left edges line up.
Align Center Aligns all selected components so their horizontal centers line up.
Align Right Aligns all selected components so their right edges line up.
Align Top Aligns all selected components so their top edges line up.
Align Middle Aligns all selected components so their vertical middles line up.
Align Bottom Aligns all selected components so their bottom edges line up.
Make Same Width Resizes all selected components so they are the same width.
Make Same Height Resizes all selected components so they are the same height.
Make Same Size Resizes all selected components so they are the same size.
Space Horizontally Moves selected components so they are evenly spaced within the horizontal boundaries. This option uses the left edge of the leftmost component and the right edge of the rightmost component as the horizontal boundaries. It moves only the inner components, leaving the outer two components where they are.

This option works only when three or more components are selected.

Space Vertically Moves selected components so they are evenly spaced within the vertical boundaries. This option uses the top edge of the topmost component and the bottom edge of the bottommost component as the vertical boundaries. It moves only the inner components, leaving the outer two components where they are.

This option works only when three or more components are selected.

Undo Undoes the previous design action.

To undo multiple actions, click this button repeatedly.

Redo Repeats a design action that has been undone.

To redo multiple actions, click this button repeatedly.