Specify Gauge Settings dialog box

Use this dialog box to specify settings for a gauge component. Not all settings are required. If you do not specify a value for an optional setting, a default value is used.

Gauges are single or multiple value indicators that are used in dashboards, real-time monitors, and reports. They are used to display Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), progress indicators, and quantity indicators.

This dialog box can be accessed only from the Component property sheet for a gauge component. In the property sheet, locate the Binding property and click the ellipsis (...) button. In the Edit Component Data Binding dialog box then, select Gauge as the Type, and then click Edit.

Note:  Only users who have the appropriate licenses can bind a gauge to a critical number, or view a result in a critical number gauge.

As used in this topic:

  • Alpha is a transparency setting from 0 to 100. 100 means no transparency, that is, a solid color. 0 means totally transparent, that is, invisible. Numbers from 1 to 99 are levels of transparency, with the lower numbers being more transparent and higher numbers being less transparent/more solid.
  • Color values are stored in a hexadecimal RGB (Red/Green/Blue) format. Each color value (R,G, and B) is assigned a value from 0 to 255, which in hexadecimal notation is 00 to FF. Each value represents the amount of color, so for example, FF0000 is solid red, 000000 is solid black, and FFFFFF is solid white. You can use the Color dialog box to select a color or create a custom color.
  • Critical numbers are based on a stored procedure calculation or on an IDO calculation. You can create new critical numbers. Your application might also include some basic preconfigured critical numbers that you can copy and modify.

This form contains these tabs:

  • General tab: This tab specifies general information about the type of gauge, as well as the data source. These settings include:
    • Basic gauge settings (type, limits, display settings, etc.)
    • Major and minor "tick mark" settings
    • Gauge data types and sources

    For more information, see Specifying general settings for gauges.

  • Color Ranges tab: Use the settings on this tab to create color ranges to classify your data. An example of using color ranges would be using the color green for normal or acceptable values; yellow for warning or caution values; and red for danger or unacceptable values.

    For more information, see Specifying color ranges for gauges.

  • Trendpoints tab: Trend points are elements that can be used to show target values on a gauge. For example, you can use trend points to highlight customer satisfaction score targets, optimum server utilization, and so on.

    Use the settings on this tab to create trend points, set their colors, and define their markers.

    For more information, see Specifying trendpoints settings for gauges.

  • Cosmetics tab: The Cosmetics tab includes settings that control the way various aspects of the gauge display. These settings include:
    • Number formatting
    • Padding and margins
    • Colors and fonts

    For more information, see Specifying cosmetics settings for gauges.

  • Other tab: This tab includes these group boxes, each of which contains settings for miscellaneous aspects of the gauge's appearance:
    • The way data values are displayed
    • How tooltips are displayed

    For more information, see Specifying other settings for gauges.

  • Angular tab: The settings on this tab are used only when the gauge type is AngularGauge and control how these types of gauges display.

    For more information, see Specifying settings for Angular gauges.

  • Linear tab :The settings on this tab are used only when the gauge type is HLinearGauge and control how these types of gauges display.

    For more information, see Specifying settings for Linear gauges.

  • LED tab: The settings on this tab are used only when the gauge type is HLED or VLED and control how these types of gauges display.

    For more information, see Specifying settings for LED gauges.

  • Cylinder tab: The settings on this tab are used only when the gauge type is Cylinder and control how these types of gauges display.

    For more information, see Specifying settings for Cylinder gauges.

  • Bullet tab: The settings on this tab are used only when the gauge type is Bullet and control how these types of gauges display.

    For more information, see Specifying settings for Bullet gauges.

  • Gauge XML tab: This tab displays the XML that is used to generate the gauge in the form. The XML is read-only.