FILTER keyword

Applies To

All form-launching specifications, in list-source specifications of the type IDO Method, in the data source for components that are bound to a subcollection (not subcollection property), and in the parms for validators of type In Collection.


The parameters are similar to a SQL WHERE clause (without the SQL keyword WHERE), except that property names are used instead of column names. The specification may contain substitution keywords.


The entire string, after any substitutions are performed, is passed to the IDO in its Filter property prior to the load collection call.

If the filter is for a subcollection or list cache, and there are substitutions for variables included in it, then a dependency is created between the cache and the variable. When the variable's value is changed, the list cache is invalidated (in the case of the filter for a list source) or the subcollection will be refreshed (in the case of a specification for the data source of a subcollection).