PostEvent method (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSForm interface


Generates a standard event or a customized event as the last event for the specified form.


object.PostEvent( string )

  Part   Description
object Required. The name of a valid form object.
string Required. The name of the event.


The following script generates a form event to run an appropriate report based on a selection.

 Sub Main()
    Dim Selection As String 
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    Application.DiagnosticsLog("entering script")
    ReturnValue = "1"
    Selection = GetParameter(0)
    Application.DiagnosticsLog("Selection= " & Selection)
    Select Case Selection
    Case "1"
    Case "2"
    Case "3"
    Case Else
         GoTo ErrorExit
    End Select
    GoTo NormalExit
    Application.DiagnosticsLog("exiting script normally")
    ReturnValue = "0"
    Exit Sub
    Application.DiagnosticsLog("exiting script via ErrorExit")
    ReturnValue = "1"
    Exit Sub
    ReturnValue = "1"
    Exit Sub
End Sub